How to Start a Profitable Laundry Business in Nigeria

Starting a laundry business in Nigeria can be a lucrative venture for entrepreneurs looking to tap into the growing demand for laundry services.

The laundry business has been around for many years, and it remains an essential service in our daily lives.

Starting a laundry business has several benefits, including a low startup cost, high demand, and potential for profitability.

A laundry business requires minimal equipment and can be operated from home or a small commercial space.

The demand for laundry services is high, as most people require laundry services regularly.

Additionally, a laundry business has the potential for profitability, as long as it’s run efficiently and provides quality services.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps required to launch a successful laundry business in Nigeria.

How to Start a Profitable Laundry Business in Nigeria

Identify Your Target Market

The first step to starting any business is identifying your target market.

In the case of a laundry business, your target market could include busy professionals, families with young children, and students.

Conduct market research to understand the needs and preferences of your target market, and tailor your services accordingly.

Choose a Location

The next step is to choose a suitable location for your laundry business.

Consider setting up your shop or office in an area with high foot traffic, such as residential areas, commercial districts, and universities.

Make sure your location is easily accessible, and that you have ample parking space for customers.

Register Your Business

Before launching your laundry business, you’ll need to register your business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria.

This involves selecting a business name, when your business name is approved by the CAC, you proceed to the registration page.

After the registration, CAC will provide you with a Tax Identification Number (TIN).

That TIN number is what will be used to open your company account and also to register your company Tax with either the federal or state tax body.

Secure Funding

Starting a laundry business requires a significant amount of capital.

You’ll need to purchase washing machines, dryers, ironing boards, and other equipment.

Consider applying for a loan from a financial institution, seek out investors to help fund your business, or asking from families.

Hire Staff

To run a successful laundry business, you’ll need to hire a team of skilled and reliable staff.

Look for individuals with experience in laundry services, and conduct background checks to ensure they have a good track record.

Provide your staff with ongoing training to ensure they stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

Invest in Marketing

Marketing is key to the success of any business, and the laundry business is no exception.

Consider investing in online and offline marketing channels to reach your target market.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great platforms for promoting your business to potential customers.

You could also consider placing ads in local newspapers, distributing flyers in your target area, and offering discounts to new customers.

Provide Quality Services

To build a loyal customer base, it’s essential to provide high-quality laundry services.

Use high-quality detergents and fabric softeners to ensure your customers’ clothes are clean and fresh-smelling.

You can also make laundry soap yourself to reduce costs. Here is a video for you on how to make laundry bar soap for business in Nigeria

Offer additional services such as ironing, dry cleaning, and stain removal to provide added value to your customers.

Implement Effective Management Systems

Effective management systems are crucial to the success of a laundry business.

Invest in software that can help you manage your inventory, track your sales, and monitor your expenses.

Implement effective bookkeeping practices to keep track of your finances, and hire an accountant to help you manage your taxes.

What are the 3 types of Laundry business

There are generally three types of laundry business models that you can consider if you’re planning to start a laundry business:

Self-service laundry (Laundromat)

This type of laundry business model is becoming more popular in Nigeria.

In this model, you provide customers with access to a range of washing and drying machines that they can use themselves.

Customers pay per use or per load, and you generate revenue from the machines’ fees. This model requires minimal staff and can be operated 24/7.

Drop-off laundry service

This model involves customers dropping off their laundry at your location and returning to pick it up at a later time.

Your staff will wash, dry, and fold or iron the clothes for them.

This model requires more staff and may need longer operating hours to accommodate customers’ schedules.

You can charge customers based on the weight or number of clothes or per service.

Commercial laundry service

This type of laundry business model is geared toward commercial or institutional customers, such as hotels, hospitals, and restaurants.

You provide laundry services for their linen and uniforms, which usually require industrial-grade equipment and specialized knowledge.

This model requires more investment in equipment and staff, and the revenue comes from long-term contracts or agreements with clients.

Each laundry business model has its advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one for you will depend on your resources, expertise, and target market.

It’s essential to research the market and the demand for laundry services in your area to decide which type of laundry business will be most profitable for you.

What are the weaknesses of Laundry business?

Like any other business, a laundry business also has its weaknesses.

Understanding the weaknesses of a laundry business is critical when planning your operations and managing your business.

By identifying and addressing these weaknesses, you can develop strategies to overcome them and create a successful and profitable laundry business.

Here are some of the common weaknesses of a laundry business;

Intense competition

The laundry industry is highly competitive, and it can be challenging to differentiate yourself from other businesses.

There are often many other laundry businesses in the same area, and you’ll need to offer a unique selling proposition to stand out.

High startup costs

Starting a laundry business can be expensive, especially if you’re opting for a drop-off or commercial laundry model that requires specialized equipment.

You may need to rent or buy a location, invest in washing and drying machines, and hire staff.

Seasonal fluctuations:

The demand for laundry services may fluctuate seasonally, with some periods being busier than others.

For instance, the rainy season may increase the demand for laundry services as people tend to have more dirty clothes to wash.

You may need to plan ahead for these seasonal fluctuations to manage your business effectively.

Equipment maintenance and repair

Laundry equipment can be costly to maintain and repair, and breakdowns can disrupt your business operations.

You may need to have backup machines or an arrangement with a maintenance and repair company to minimize downtime.


Running a laundry business requires a significant amount of labor, especially if you’re opting for a drop-off or commercial laundry model.

You may need to hire staff to manage the washing, drying, and folding or ironing process.

How much do I need to start a laundry business in Nigeria

The estimated cost of starting a laundry business in Nigeria can vary widely, depending on the size of the business and the specific services and equipment needed.

However, to give you a rough idea here’s an estimated breakdown of startup costs for a small laundry business:

Equipment and supplies

The cost of washing machines, dryers, ironing boards, irons, hangers, detergents, and other supplies can range from ₦300,000 to ₦1,000,000 or more, depending on the quality and quantity of the equipment and supplies needed.


The cost of rent can vary depending on the location and size of the space you choose. A small space for a laundry business could cost between ₦50,000 and ₦200,000 per month.


The cost of utilities such as electricity and water will depend on the size of the business and the amount of equipment you use.

You can expect to pay between ₦20,000 and ₦50,000 per month for utilities.


You will need to hire staff to help you run your laundry business.

The cost of staffing can vary depending on the number of employees you need and their level of experience.

You could expect to pay between ₦60,000 to ₦150,000 per month for staff salaries.

Licensing and Permits

The cost of obtaining licenses and permits can vary depending on the type of business you’re running and the location. The cost can range from ₦20,000 to ₦100,000 or more.

Marketing and Advertising

To promote your laundry business, you’ll need to invest in marketing and advertising.

The cost of marketing and advertising can vary depending on the channels you use and the frequency of your campaigns.

You could expect to pay between ₦50,000 to ₦100,000 for initial marketing expenses.

Based on the above estimates, the total cost of starting a small laundry business in Nigeria could range from ₦500,000 to ₦2,000,000 or more.

However, it’s important to note that these are just rough estimates and that the actual cost could vary widely depending on your specific business needs and location.

It’s essential to do thorough research and create a detailed business plan to accurately determine the total cost of starting your laundry business.

Read Also:


Is laundry a lucrative business?

Starting a laundry business has several benefits, including a low startup cost, high demand, and potential for profitability.

Additionally, a laundry business has the potential for profitability, as long as it’s run efficiently and provides quality services. For details in the article.

What is the key to success the laundry business?

The key to success in the laundry business is dependent on many factors such as; Identify Your Target Market, Choose a Location, Register Your Business, Secure Funding, Hire Staff, Invest in Marketing, Provide Quality Services, and Implement Effective Management Systems.

How do I get more customers for my laundry business?

Marketing is the answer to getting more customers for a laundry business.

Consider investing in online and offline marketing channels to reach your target market.

But to build a loyal customer base, it’s essential to provide high-quality laundry services.

Use high-quality detergents and fabric softeners to ensure your customers’ clothes are clean and fresh-smelling.

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