16 Lucrative Staple Food Business Ideas in Nigeria

A staple foods in Nigeria are those specific food items that are regularly and widely consumed by the majority of the population in Nigeria as a primary source of dietary sustenance and calories.

These foods are considered essential and foundational to the Nigerian diet, forming the basis of numerous traditional dishes and meals.

Staple foods in Nigeria are typically rich in carbohydrates and serve as the main sources of energy and nutrients for the country’s inhabitants.

They are fundamental to Nigerian cuisine and culture, often deeply rooted in tradition and culinary practices.

Some of the most prominent staple foods in Nigeria include rice, yam, cassava, maize (corn), plantains, millet, sorghum, beans, and palm oil, among others.

In this article, I will be revealing the top 16 most lucrative staple food business ideas in Nigeria that you can start.

Lucrative Staple Food Business Ideas in Nigeria -BUSINESS NUGGETS

1. Rice Farming and Processing:

Rice is a staple food in Nigeria which has no cultural boundary, and the demand for locally produced rice has been on the rise due to government initiatives to promote self-sufficiency in the country.

Entrepreneurs can invest in rice farming and processing, taking advantage of the high demand for quality Nigerian rice.

This business involves cultivating rice paddies and processing the harvested grains for sale, potentially creating jobs and contributing to food security.

Read More: Rice Business in Nigeria Made Easy: A Success Guide

2. Cassava Processing:

Cassava is another staple crop in Nigeria, with various processing opportunities. Businesses can venture into cassava processing to produce products like garri, flour, and chips/tapioca.

The versatility of cassava and its high demand make it a profitable venture.

Not to leave out that fufu which happens to be widely accepted among Nigerians globally is a byproduct of cassava.

3. Poultry Farming:

The poultry industry in Nigeria is vast, and there is a constant demand for chicken and eggs.

Entrepreneurs can establish poultry farms, engage in broiler or layer production, and even hatchery operations.

Poultry farming can be highly profitable when managed efficiently.

Read More: The Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Profitable Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

4. Fish Farming:

Fish farming is a thriving business in Nigeria due to the high consumption of fish. Tilapia, catfish, and other local species are popular choices.

Setting up a fish farm and adopting modern aquaculture techniques can lead to significant profits in this industry. And yes Fish is a staple food in Nigeria

Read More:

5. Palm Oil Production:

Palm oil is a key ingredient in Nigerian cuisine and it is a staple food ingredient in Nigeria.

Entrepreneurs can invest in palm oil production by cultivating oil palm trees and processing the fruits into palm oil.

With proper plantation management and processing facilities, this business will be profitable.

Read More: How to Start Palm Oil Business in Nigeria (The 7 Steps Guide)

6. Yam Farming and Processing:

Yam is a staple food in Nigeria, and the demand for yam products like yam flour (elubo) is substantial.

Starting a yam farming and processing business, along with modern storage and distribution practices, will yield substantial returns.

Read More: How to Start a Farming Business in Nigeria (The Ultimate Guide)

7. Bean Processing:

Beans are a crucial source of protein in Nigeria and at the same time a staple food in Nigeria.

Entrepreneurs like you can engage in bean processing to produce products like bean flour, bean cakes, and other bean-based products.

The increasing health consciousness among consumers makes bean products a marketable option.

8. Groundnut (Peanut) Processing:

Groundnut itself and its byproducts are both staple food and staple food ingredients in whichever way you choose to use it. It is a valuable source of edible oil and protein.

Groundnut processing businesses can focus on producing peanut butter, oil, or roasted peanuts.

With a diverse range of applications, groundnuts offer profitable opportunities.

9. Tomato Farming and Processing:

Tomatoes are a staple in Nigerian cooking, used for soups, stews, and sauces.

You as an entrepreneur can engage in tomato farming and processing, which includes producing tomato paste, sauce, and canned tomatoes.

This business is in demand year-round.

Read More: How to Start Food Processing Business: The All-in-One Guide

10. Bread Bakery:

Bread is a staple breakfast item in Nigeria. Starting a bakery can be a profitable venture.

With proper recipes, quality ingredients, and efficient production processes, a bakery can thrive by offering a variety of bread products to cater to different tastes.

Read More: How to Start a Bakery Business in Nigeria (The Super Easy Way)

11. Spice Production:

Spices play a vital role in Nigerian cuisine, adding flavor and aroma to various dishes.

You can explore spice production by cultivating and processing spices such as pepper, ginger, garlic, and curry leaves.

These products have a significant market, both locally and internationally, especially with the rising global demand for ethnic spices.

12. Plantain Farming and Processing:

Plantains are a versatile staple food in Nigeria, used in various dishes, from fried plantains to plantain chips and flour.

Plantain farming and processing is a profitable business.

Entrepreneurs can cultivate plantain plantations and process the harvested plantains into different products to meet the ever-growing demand.

Read Also: What Business can I Start with 5k in Nigeria

13. Millet and Sorghum Farming:

Millet and sorghum are essential grains in the northern regions of Nigeria, where they are used to make staple foods like tuwo and pap.

As an Entrepreneur interested in this staple food business you can focus on millet and sorghum farming and processing to cater to its market.

These grains are drought-resistant and can thrive in arid regions, making them suitable for cultivation.

14. Soybean Processing:

Soybean is a staple food that is a rich source of protein and it is used in various food products, including soybean oil, soy milk, and tofu.

You can venture into soybean processing by establishing processing plants that produce soy-based products.

As health-consciousness grows, the demand for soy-based alternatives to traditional protein sources also increases.

15. Maize (Corn):

Maize, or corn, is a versatile crop used in Nigeria for various purposes, including making pap (also known as ogi or Akamu), cornmeal, and cornflakes.

Entrepreneurs like you can explore maize farming and processing, targeting both the food and animal feed markets.

Additionally, the production of maize by-products, such as corn oil and cornstarch, is profitable in the Nigerian market.

16. Vegetable Farming:

The cultivation of vegetables is another lucrative business opportunity in Nigeria, as vegetables are staple components of Nigerian dishes.

Entrepreneurs can establish vegetable farms to grow a variety of greens such as spinach, ugu (fluted pumpkin), and okra.

These vegetables are in constant demand in local markets and can also be supplied to restaurants and supermarkets.



The staple food industry in Nigeria encompasses a wide range of products and opportunities, including rice farming, cassava processing, poultry farming, fish farming, palm oil production, yam farming, beans processing, groundnut processing, tomato farming, maize production, vegetable farming, and many more.

Success in these ventures requires proper planning, investment, and a commitment to maintaining quality standards. By exploring these staple food businesses, individuals can not only generate profits but also contribute to food security and economic growth in Nigeria.

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