How to Get a Loan to Start a Business in 11 Steps

So, you’ve conceived an incredible business idea and you’re filled with enthusiasm to turn it into reality.

But you just realized that starting a business is no easy feat. It requires courage, unwavering passion, and a strong sense of determination.

And to top it all you also need a substantial amount of capital to kickstart your venture. That is where the option of getting a business loan becomes something to consider!

Consider a business loan as a magical tool that can transform your dreams into tangible achievements.

In this blog post, before we discuss how to get a business loan let’s take a brief on other factors that indirectly play in role in securing a business loan.

How Does a Business Loan Work

How Does a Business Loan Work

Business loans play a crucial role for business owners as they provide the necessary funds to fuel growth and expand operations.

Understanding the functioning of these loans is paramount if you’re considering obtaining one.

There are two primary types of business loans worth knowing;

  1. Lump-sum
  2. Line of credit

First off, we have the lump-sum payment. With this option, you receive the entire loan amount upfront and repay it over a specified period of time which comes with fixed monthly payments. It’s akin to receiving a lump sum and gradually settling the debt.

While for the line of credit, which is also known for its flexibility, is a business loan arrangement that allows you to access loan funds whenever needed, up to a predetermined limit. It’s akin to having a pool of money at your disposal, and you only incur interest on the amount you borrow. Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Repayment terms vary depending on the lender and your loan agreement. Some lenders require daily repayments, while others opt for weekly or monthly installments.

Ensure you adhere to the agreed-upon schedule, consistently making payments until the loan is fully repaid, covering the principal amount, interest, and any applicable fees.

In addition, business loans can also be categorized as secured or unsecured. Secured loans necessitate collateral to support them.

Collateral can take the form of real estate, equipment, cash, or investments. It serves as a means for the lender to safeguard their interests.

If you fail to meet your obligations, they can seize the collateral to recoup their losses.

On the other hand, unsecured loans don’t require collateral. Instead, they might request a personal guarantee, making you responsible for the debt if your business is unable to fulfill its obligations.

Understanding the distinction between secured and unsecured loans is crucial, as it impacts interest rates.

Secured loans generally carry lower rates due to the added security for the lender. While Unsecured loans carry higher rates due to the increased risk involved.

Types of Business Loans

Types of Business Loans

1. Line of Credit:

A line of credit is a loan option that grants businesses access to a predetermined sum of money, which they can borrow as required. Its functionality resembles that of a credit card, wherein the borrower has a maximum limit but retains the freedom to borrow any amount within that boundary.

Interest is solely levied on the borrowed sum, and as the borrowed funds are repaid, they become accessible again for future utilization.

Lines of credit provide flexibility and can be utilized to navigate fluctuations in cash flow, address short-term expenses, or capitalize on business prospects.

2. SBA 7(a) Loans:

SBA 7(a) loans refer to loans granted by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) specifically designed for small businesses.

These loans come with partial guarantees from the SBA, minimizing risk for lenders and facilitating easier access to financing for small enterprises. SBA 7(a) loans serve multiple purposes, including covering working capital needs, acquiring equipment or inventory, refinancing current debt, or even acquiring other businesses.

Generally, these loans offer extended repayment periods and lower interest rates when compared to conventional loan options.

3. Microloans:

Microloans are modest-sized loans commonly provided by nonprofit organizations, community development financial institutions (CDFIs), or microfinance institutions.

They aim to assist small businesses, startups, or aspiring entrepreneurs who might face challenges in obtaining conventional bank loans.

Microloans typically feature smaller loan amounts and shorter repayment durations.

They can be utilized for diverse business needs, such as augmenting working capital, procuring equipment, or securing inventory.

4. Short-term Loans:

Short-term loans are borrowing arrangements that require repayment within a relatively brief timeframe, usually spanning a year or less.

They serve as valuable tools for businesses requiring immediate financial aid or facing temporary funding requirements.

Short-term loans frequently carry higher interest rates than their long-term counterparts, primarily due to the condensed repayment period.

They find application in diverse scenarios, including managing seasonal fluctuations, addressing unforeseen expenses, or capitalizing on business prospects.

5. Equipment Financing:

Equipment financing is a type of loan specifically used to purchase or lease business equipment.

The equipment itself serves as collateral for the loan, making it easier for businesses to secure financing.

This type of loan is beneficial for businesses that rely on specialized equipment to operate and allows them to acquire the necessary assets without depleting their cash reserves.

Equipment financing terms can vary, and the loan repayment is typically structured to align with the equipment’s useful life.

6. Merchant Cash Advance:

A merchant cash advance (MCA) is a financing option wherein a business obtains a lump sum payment in return for a portion of its forthcoming sales.

It functions more like a purchase agreement than a loan.

Repayment is achieved by deducting a fixed percentage from the business’s daily credit card or debit card sales until the agreed-upon amount, along with applicable fees, is fully repaid.

MCAs are commonly utilized by businesses that generate regular card-based sales, although they may entail higher fees and interest rates compared to traditional loans.

7. Invoice Factoring:

Invoice factoring involves selling outstanding invoices to a factoring company at a discounted rate.

The factoring company provides immediate funds, usually around 80% of the invoice value, and takes responsibility for collecting payments from the customers.

Once the customers pay the full amount, the factoring company releases the remaining portion, minus their fees. Invoice factoring helps businesses improve their cash flow by accelerating the receipt of funds that would otherwise be tied up in unpaid invoices.

8. Business Credit Cards:

Business credit cards operate in a manner akin to personal credit cards, but with a distinct focus on business-related expenditures.

They furnish a revolving line of credit, catering to a wide range of business requirements, including supply procurement, cash flow management, and travel expenses.

Business credit cards deliver convenience and flexibility, often accompanied by supplementary perks like rewards programs and expense tracking utilities.

However, it is vital to exercise responsible credit card usage to steer clear of exorbitant interest fees and the accumulation of debt.

9. Personal Loans and Financing:

In some cases, business owners may opt to use personal loans or personal financing to fund their business needs.

Personal loans involve borrowing money based on an individual’s personal credit history and income.

While personal financing can provide quick access to funds, it’s important to consider the potential risks, as personal assets and credit may be at stake.

Separating personal and business finances is generally recommended for better financial management.

10. Friends and Family:

Entrepreneurs often turn to friends and family members for financial support when starting or expanding their businesses.

This informal method of financing involves borrowing money or receiving investments from people within one’s personal network.

While this approach may be more flexible and accessible, it’s crucial to approach such arrangements professionally, with clear repayment terms and documentation, to preserve personal relationships and avoid potential conflicts.

11. Commercial Real Estate Loans:

Commercial real estate loans cater to businesses seeking to acquire or refinance commercial properties, encompassing office buildings, retail spaces, warehouses, and industrial facilities.

These loans offer financial assistance for property purchase, construction, renovations, or refinancing of current mortgages.

Generally, commercial real estate loans feature extended repayment periods and more favorable interest rates in comparison to other business loan options.

The property being financed acts as collateral, and loan terms may depend on factors such as property value, income-generating capacity, and the borrower’s creditworthiness.

Every category of business loan entails its distinct prerequisites, terms, and conditions. Business owners must conscientiously assess their financial requirements and explore the available alternatives to ascertain the loan type that aligns best with their particular circumstances.

Seeking advice from financial advisors or lenders can offer valuable insights to aid in the selection of the most fitting loan category.

The requirements to get a loan to start a business?

What are the requirements to get a loan to start a business?

To obtain a business loan, there are typically several requirements that lenders consider. Let’s explore each of these requirements in detail:

1. Personal and Business Credit Scores:

During the loan application procedure, lenders typically evaluate both personal and business credit scores.

Personal credit scores reflect an individual’s financial reliability, while business credit scores assess the creditworthiness of a business entity.

These scores aid lenders in assessing the borrower’s track record of repaying debts and managing financial obligations.

A robust credit history, characterized by a high credit score, enhances the likelihood of loan approval and may lead to more advantageous loan conditions.

2. Personal Guarantee:

A personal guarantee is a pledge undertaken by the business owner or borrower, assuming personal liability for loan repayment in the event the business is unable to fulfill it.

When signing a personal guarantee, the borrower’s personal assets, such as their home or savings, can be utilized to settle the outstanding loan amount if a default occurs.

This provision offers extra assurance to the lender, particularly when dealing with small businesses or startups possessing restricted assets or credit history.

3. Annual Revenue:

Lenders typically evaluate a business’s annual revenue or sales to assess its financial health and ability to generate sufficient cash flow to repay the loan.

Higher annual revenues demonstrate that the business has consistent income streams and can cover the loan payments.

The required annual revenue can vary based on the loan amount and the lender’s criteria.

Some lenders may require a minimum revenue threshold, while others may be more flexible, taking into account factors like industry norms and business growth potential.

4. Years in Business:

The number of years a business has been operating is an important consideration for lenders. Established businesses with a longer operating history are generally perceived as less risky borrowers.

Lenders may prefer businesses that have been operational for a certain period, typically one to two years, to demonstrate stability, industry experience, and the ability to withstand economic fluctuations.

Startups or businesses with a shorter operating history may face more stringent requirements or need to explore alternative financing options.

5. Business Industry and Size:

When reviewing loan applications, lenders often consider the industry and size of the business.

Certain industries are deemed more precarious than others due to factors like market instability, regulatory hurdles, or unique economic circumstances.

Likewise, the size of the business can influence the loan approval process, with smaller enterprises potentially seen as higher risk compared to larger, well-established organizations.

Lenders may employ industry-specific criteria or concentrate on businesses that align with their risk tolerance.

6. Business Plan:

When seeking a business loan, a meticulously crafted business plan holds immense significance.

This plan offers a comprehensive outline of the company’s objectives, operations, target market, competition, and financial projections.

Lenders rely on the business plan to evaluate the borrower’s comprehension of their industry, market opportunities, and revenue generation potential.

A robust business plan showcases the borrower’s readiness and dedication, significantly enhancing the chances of loan approval.

7. Financial Statements:

Lenders commonly request financial statements, encompassing income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, as part of their assessment of a business’s financial well-being and performance.

These statements offer a snapshot of the company’s revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, and cash flow during a specific timeframe.

By scrutinizing the financial statements, lenders assess factors such as profitability, liquidity, debt levels, and overall financial soundness of the business.

Maintaining accurate and current financial statements is vital in showcasing the capacity to repay the loan.

8. Loan Proposal:

A loan proposal is an official document that presents a borrower’s request for a loan, providing details such as the desired loan amount, purpose, repayment terms, and the projected impact on the business.

The proposal should clearly articulate how the funds will be utilized, the potential benefits or growth opportunities they will facilitate, and the proposed repayment plan.

Crafting a well-organized and compelling loan proposal can assist lenders in comprehending the borrower’s objectives, alleviating any concerns, and arriving at an informed lending decision.

It’s important to note that loan requirements can vary among lenders and loan types. Some lenders may have more flexible criteria, while others may have stricter prerequisites.

How to Get a Loan to Start a Business

How to Get a Loan to Start a Business

Obtaining a business loan involves several important steps that require careful consideration and preparation. And they are;

  1. Determine your financing needs.
  2. Research and identify potential lenders.
  3. Check the eligibility requirements of each lender.
  4. Prepare the necessary documents.
  5. Review and improve your credit score, if needed.
  6. Calculate the loan amount and repayment terms you can afford.
  7. Complete and Submit the loan application form while you wait for feedback.
  8. Review and negotiate the loan terms and conditions.
  9. Accept the loan offer and sign the loan agreement.
  10. Fulfill any additional requirements, such as collateral or insurance.
  11. Receive the loan funds, use them for the intended purpose, and make your timely payments

Step 1. Determine your financing needs.

Begin by assessing the amount of capital required to initiate your business. Consider expenses such as equipment, inventory, marketing, and operating costs. Developing a clear comprehension of your financial needs will aid you in approaching lenders with a defined loan amount in mind.

For example, let’s say you have aspirations of opening a bakery. To ascertain your financial needs, begin by computing the capital necessary to launch your business.

Consider expenses such as commercial ovens, baking equipment, ingredient inventory, marketing initiatives, and ongoing operational costs.

By obtaining a comprehensive understanding of your financial requirements, you will be better equipped to approach lenders with a well-defined loan amount in mind.

Step 2. Research and identify potential lenders.

Conduct thorough research to identify potential lenders that offer legitimate business loans because there are many loan sharks out there, looking for businesses to devour.

Consider traditional banks, credit unions, online lenders, and government-backed loan programs.

Compare their offerings, interest rates, repayment terms, and customer reviews to narrow down your options.

Step 3. Check the eligibility requirements of each lender.

Once you have shortlisted potential lenders, carefully review their eligibility criteria. Understand the minimum credit score, annual revenue, time in business, and any specific industry requirements. This will help you assess whether your business meets their criteria or not.

Step 4. Prepare the necessary documents.

Lenders typically require specific documentation to evaluate your loan application.

Some of these documents as we have earlier pointed out in the requirement needed to get a business loan include your business plan, financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement), personal and business tax returns, bank statements, and legal documents such as licenses and registrations.

Ensure that all your financial records are accurate, up-to-date, and organized.

Step 5. Review and improve your credit score, if needed.

Your credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness and is a crucial factor that lenders consider when evaluating your loan application.

A higher credit score indicates a lower risk for the lender which is normally favored with low-interest rates.

While a lower credit score indicates a higher risk for the lender, and if the lender decides to take the risk, it will be accompanied by a high-interest rate and more restrictive terms.

Below are the categories of credit scores;

  • Excellent Credit: 750 and above
  • Good Credit: It is between 700 and 749
  • Fair Credit: Between 650 and 699
  • Poor Credit: Are below 650

Here are some additional details on how to review and improve your credit score:

  • Obtain a copy of your credit report:
  • Check for errors and discrepancies
  • Pay bills on time
  • Reduce credit utilization
  • Avoid opening new credit accounts within a short period
  • Pay off existing debts
  • Maintain a healthy credit mix
  • Be patient and consistent

Step 6. Calculate the loan amount and repayment terms you can afford.

Analyze your financial situation to determine how much you can realistically borrow and comfortably repay.

Consider factors such as cash flow, existing debt obligations, and potential risks.

Use financial tools or consult with an accountant to calculate the loan amount and repayment terms that align with your business’s financial capabilities.

Step 7. Complete and Submit the loan application form while you wait for feedback.

Fill out the loan application form accurately and provide all requested information. Double-check for any errors or omissions to ensure a smooth application process.

When you are done, compile all the documents you have filled and submit them to the lenders or your desired lender and wait for feedback.

The waiting period can vary depending on the lender and the complexity of your application. But be prepared to provide any additional information or clarifications if requested.

Step 8. Review and negotiate the loan terms and conditions.

Once the lender has evaluated your application and sent positive feedback to you, carefully review the terms and conditions they offer.

Pay attention to interest rates, repayment schedules, fees, and any other provisions. If necessary, negotiate certain aspects to ensure the loan aligns with your needs and financial capabilities.

Step 9. Accept the loan offer and sign the loan agreement.

If you are content with the loan terms, proceed to accept the offer presented by the lender.

Affix your signature to the loan agreement, signifying your commitment to repay the borrowed funds in accordance with the mutually agreed-upon terms.

But note, it is important to allocate sufficient time to carefully read through the agreement and seek legal counsel if necessary before appending your signature on the document.

Because once you have signed the document, you are legally bound by the terms of the loan. If you later express discomfort with the terms, it may not be possible to alter them.

Refusing to repay the borrowed funds based on dissatisfaction with the terms can lead to legal consequences, including potential imprisonment or the loss of your business to the lender.

Step 10. Fulfill any additional requirements, such as collateral or insurance.

Depending on the loan type and lender, you may need to provide additional requirements. This can include collateral, such as property or equipment, or obtaining insurance coverage.

Fulfill these obligations as agreed upon with the lender to proceed with the loan disbursement.

Step 11. Receive the loan funds, use them for the intended purpose, and make your timely payments

After completing all necessary steps and getting your loan request approved, the lender will disburse the loan funds to your designated business bank account.

Ensure that you’ve provided accurate banking details to avoid any delays in receiving the funds. Take note of the timeline for funds transfer as specified by the lender.

Finally, utilize the loan funds for the specific purposes outlined in your loan agreement and business plan.

Make timely repayments according to the agreed-upon schedule to maintain a good relationship with the lender.

Responsible repayment will not only help you meet your financial obligations but also establish a positive credit history for future borrowing needs.

Key Resource: How to pay off Debt Fast: 5 things you should never do with a Loan money

What to do if you are rejected for a startup business loan

What to do if you are rejected for a startup business loan

Below are the following things to do if your loan request is rejected by the lender;

  1. Understand the reasons for rejection by contacting the lender.
  2. Review your business plan and financials.
  3. Work on your credit score if it is currently low.
  4. Explore alternative financing options such as; microloans, crowdfunding, angel investors, venture capital, or grants.
  5. Seek guidance from a financial advisor or mentor
  6. Fine-tune your loan application: Based on the feedback received from the lender, revise and refine your loan application.
  7. Consider a co-signer or collateral if your creditworthiness is a concern
  8. Keep exploring funding opportunities

Remember that perseverance and adaptability are essential in the startup journey. Rejections are common, and they provide an opportunity to learn, improve, and explore alternative paths to secure the funding you need to launch and grow your business.

Key Resources:



In conclusion, securing a business loan is a pivotal step in fueling growth and sustaining operations for enterprises of all sizes.

Whether you’re seeking a commercial loan, small business loan, or corporate loan, understanding the nuances of the lending landscape is essential.

Assessing your capital requirements and exploring options like working capital loans, capital injections, or debt financing can provide the necessary financial boost.

Additionally, for expansion plans, an expansion loan can be the catalyst to unlock new opportunities.

By strategically navigating the terrain of business loans and leveraging the diverse range of financing instruments available, entrepreneurs can position themselves for success and drive their ventures forward.

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