Print-on-Demand business in Nigeria make at least 500k monthly

In this article i will be revealing to you how to start a profitable print on demand business in Nigeria with little to no capital.

In today’s fast-paced digital era, bold visionaries are on a constant quest to uncover lucrative business models that thrive in the dynamic online marketplace.

And guess what? We’ve unearthed a true gem: the exhilarating world of print-on-demand (POD) business!

With its irresistible combination of low startup costs and minimal inventory management, this business approach has taken the ecommerce realm by storm.

Picture this: a business where the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. Welcome to the captivating universe of print-on-demand!

The print on demand business model empowers you to curate and customize an array of products, ranging from trendy apparel and accessories to captivating home decor.

But here’s the real game-changer: everything is manufactured only when an order is placed. Say goodbye to the burdensome bulk production and warehousing headaches of traditional manufacturing.

With POD, cutting-edge technology swoops in to fulfill orders on-demand, making inventory investments a thing of the past and freeing you from financial shackles.

So, grab a front-row seat as we embark on an electrifying journey through the realm of print-on-demand and unravel its astounding profitability potential.

What is print on demand business

A Print-on-demand (POD) business is a middleman business, that requires you to showcase a catalog of products on an e-commerce store for purchase.

And if someone makes a demand for your items, the demand are automatically or manually sent to your supplier (a print on demand company), who then send the exact items ordered by the customer directly to the customer.

These suppliers can be local or foreign depending on your reach of customers. If you decide to limit your customer base only to Nigeria or any particular country, you can opt for the local supplier as it will be faster.

But if you are ambitious like me and want a wider reach of customers, you must opt for the forieng suppliers such as; Printful, Printify, Apliiq Dropship, Teelaunch, CustomCat, etc.

The beauty about using foreign suppliers in the POD business is that they send direct email to your customers, can send you a sample if you request for it and they cover the expenses of shipping to the items to the final customer.

Later in this article, I will be giving a list of the free and best print on demand companies to work with.

Is print on demand business profitable?

Yes, print on demand business is profitable. POD may sound like a playground for creativity, don’t be fooled. Behind the scenes, this venture is an economic powerhouse.

By eliminating the need for costly inventory storage and upfront investments, the POD model offers a low-risk pathway to profitability.

With each order fulfilled, your profit margins soar, fueling your entrepreneurial dreams and setting the stage for remarkable success.

How to Start a Print on Demand Business

There is a prerequisite list of things that must be met before you can start the POD business and that is what we shall be looking at in this section.

1. Online Store

Online Store

Having an online store is not an option in the POD business.

And these days many websites have made it easy to have free online stores. Such as;, Paystack, flutterwave, Amazon, eBay, Shopify, Esty, and so on.

In additional to having an online store, also have a Facebook page, Instagram page, and WhatsApp Business. That will help you attract more publicity.

2. Choose your Print on Demand Company

Choosing the perfect print on demand partner, whether paid or free, can be a daunting task. With countless options available, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research. Each platform boasts its own distinctive product catalog, shipping considerations, and unique features that should play a crucial role in your decision-making process.

Below is the best 10 print on demand companies you should consider partnering with in this business.

  1. Printful
  2. SPOD
  3. Printify
  4. Apliiq Dropship
  5. Teelaunch
  6. CustomCat
  7. Lulu Xpress
  8. T-Pop
  9. JetPrint: Print On Demand
  10. AOP+ Easy Print on Demand

3. Design Style 

Print on Demand (POD) designs

Do you want people to patronize you? Then one thing must be registered in your mind when it comes to this business and that is; “Your design”.

People will only patronize you, not because you sell clothes but because they are attracted to the designs on your items.

Also, note this; Print on demand is not only on clothes, it can be done on other accessories like phone cases, umbrellas, mugs, bags, etc. Just anything that can be designable can be included.

But as large as the option is in this industry is, It is advisable you limit your scope of interest so that you can meet a satisfying demand of customers.

In terms of designing, some things must be factored in or considered such as;

A. Analysis paralysis:

So let’s say your main niche is in polo tops (which normally sell more), you should limit the color options offered to customers.

The reason is that, when a customer is given too many color selections to choose from, he is most likely never going to pick any.

And from my research so far; the minimum and maximum color options you should offer shouldn’t be more than 4-5 respectively, with black compulsory because according to research darker shades sells more.

Print on Demand (POD) designs copyright and trademark

If you check those popular brands, you will notice they have one unique logo on their clothes including shoes.

While some might have something more like a drawing; eg the rabbit on the polo above. Such drawings are copyrighted.

This copyright law is also valid for brands with no popularity. And by law, every copyright is automatically valid worldwide

While Trademarks talks about writeups like the word “Nike, Addidas and even the writeups on the top above”.

The only thing that makes trademarks weaker than copyright is that; “Trademarks are valid per the country it is registered in”.

Meaning:  The word; “what is good” can be trademarked in the US but not trademarked in Nigeria. So, someone can use the same words to sell their clothed line in Nigeria.

When it comes to design, not everything sells.

Evergreen designs can also be monthly and seasonal. they always sell no matter how long you leave that design in your store.

Such as; Birthday Months (Kings are born in January), Newborn baby celebration design (Straight outta mama’s womb), Seasonal celebration design (Easter, Ramadan, Christmas, etc), Fathers/Mothers Day(Best Dad/Mom in the world) and so on.

For trending designs; they only sell for the time frame when everyone is still very much acquitted to that particular phrase, such as; My Oga At the Top, EndSars, Straight Outta Lagos, etc.

If you really want to sell and makeover 500k monthly, you should never joke with evergreen and trending designs.

4. Publicity

Print on Demand (POD) advertisement

No matter how good and quality your services or goods may be, if no one knows about it, it is no different from someone who has bad products or services to sell.

Awareness is key to making money from any business. And in such a business like this, mouth-to-mouth publicity is a no-no.

The only recommended publicity is online, and that’s where social media ads come in.

In this era (unlike in previous eras), we have so many social media platforms where you can pay for ad space and get your content known to the public.

If you are a starter, I advise you to use your social media account to make publicity about your products. And you can effectively do this through comments and posting using trending Hashtags#.

But if you want to get to a larger potential buyers, use ads.

Not just ads, but make sure the ads are targeted at the right people by limiting the country’s audience to only Nigeria or your chosen country.

Statistics have shown that ads with lifestyle images (someone wearing the clothes) sell more than clothes in white or any background.

If you need help with lifestyle images this website called Placeit can help you with countless models and other options for a little token

5. Sales Strategies

All goods and services, be it physical or online need a good selling strategy to get high demand.

But for this industry, which is mainly online, there are two strategies that can easily get customers to buy from you ;

1. Previous price and New price

I believe you are familiar with this strategy. Where you see one price is stroke through (42,000 ) and the other is not. Is the same strategy used for festive sales and promotioanl sales.

2. Out of Stock

This strategy is very effective, it is when you make it known just beside the item that; “so numbers of items left”

This strategy is mostly used during the festive period.

After the item is completely sold or almost completely sold, you can increase the number again.

But, there is a problem with this strategy, if a customer comes to your store and discovers that all or almost all the items are running out of stock, they might be skeptical about buying from you.

Because, they feel you are trying to deceive them into buying from you, or you don’t even have the items in your store and you are trying to scam them of their money.

So this strategy is used at the bearest minima.

Let’s say you have 20 items in your store, you can at maximum use this strategy on two or three of your items.

Anything above that is very risky.

Best selling Print-on-Demand Products in Nigeria

To provide you with an extensive overview, we have compiled a list of the best-selling print-on-demand products that are currently trending in Nigeria.

Let’s explore each of these items in detail:


Thermo-flasks are highly sought after in Nigeria, particularly among hot coffee enthusiasts. Creating designs featuring popular brands or customized artwork on these flasks presents an excellent opportunity for generating sales within the community.

Face Caps

Print-on-demand face caps offer another lucrative avenue for generating income. By printing and promoting customized designs, you can cater to the online market and attract customers interested in unique and personalized headwear.


Pillows serve as fantastic gifts that can be sent to loved ones on special occasions. For instance, if someone named Kemi on Facebook is searching for a personalized pillow design for her friend’s birthday, you can collaborate with her and provide various design options. The possibilities are endless, ranging from incorporating pictures to featuring favorite TV show actors.


T-shirts are incredibly versatile and can be worn throughout the year by people of all genders. By printing trendy celebrity images, popular slang, or inspiring quotes onto t-shirts, you can tap into a wide customer base and create fashionable apparel that resonates with Nigerian consumers.

Tote Bags

Tote bags are rapidly gaining popularity as stylish accessories. Assess the demand in your environment and create a unique design that appeals to potential buyers. Promote these designs effectively through social media or other marketing channels to maximize your reach and increase sales.

Corporate Gifts

Corporate gifts present an excellent opportunity for your print-on-demand business. When reputable companies or bands organize events, they often distribute gifts to attendees. By offering your services to design these gifts, you can enhance their appeal and professionalism, resulting in potential partnerships and increased exposure.

School Notebooks

Many students desire notebooks adorned with their favorite celebrities, creatures, or animals. This represents a significant earning potential for you. Create attractive notebook designs and promote them online to capture the attention of students and their parents.


Mugs offer a creative and popular avenue for selling your print-on-demand products. For example, if a friend is getting married and needs a large quantity of personalized mugs for wedding guests, this presents an excellent opportunity to generate revenue and showcase your customization capabilities.


Hoodies are cherished by many, especially during cold and rainy seasons. Adding unique designs and artistic elements to hoodies can greatly enhance their appeal, making potential buyers more inclined to purchase them. Embrace your artistic side and create captivating hoodie designs that resonate with Nigerian consumers.

By exploring these popular print-on-demand products in Nigeria, you can capitalize on current trends and seize profitable opportunities in the market.

Challenges of Print-on-Demand Business

Here are the challenges of starting a print-on-demand (PoD) business in Nigeria:

  1. Logistics and Shipping Challenges: Nigeria faces logistical challenges, including inefficient transportation systems and customs processes. Shipping delays and high shipping costs impact the timely delivery of printed products, leading to customer dissatisfaction.
  2. Payment and Transaction Issues: Online payment infrastructure may not be as advanced or widely adopted in Nigeria compared to some other regions. Issues related to online payment security, currency conversion, and payment gateways pose challenges for a PoD business.
  3. Limited Print Options and Materials: Access to a variety of printing options and high-quality materials may be limited in Nigeria. This can affect the range and quality of products that a Print on Demand business can offer to customers.
  4. Importation Challenges: Dependence on imported raw materials, such as printing supplies and equipment, leads to challenges related to importation processes, customs duties, and foreign exchange fluctuations.
  5. Electricity and Infrastructure Issues: Inconsistent power supply and infrastructure challenges affect the efficiency of printing operations. Frequent power outages disrupt production schedules and increase operational costs if alternative power sources are required.
  6. Market Awareness and Education: Educating the market about the concept of Print on Demand may be necessary, as it might not be widely known or understood. Building awareness and trust in the PoD model can be a marketing challenge.
  7. Quality Control: Ensuring consistent print quality and color accuracy can be challenging. Quality control is crucial in a PoD business, and variations in print quality lead to customer dissatisfaction.
  8. Customs and Import Regulations: Navigating complex customs and import regulations is a challenge for businesses that rely on importing printing materials and equipment. Changes in regulations can impact the cost and time associated with importing goods.
  9. Competition and Pricing: The Print on Demand market is competitive. Balancing competitive pricing with the costs associated with challenges like shipping, importation, and infrastructure is a delicate task.
  10. Customer Trust and Expectations: Building and maintaining trust with customers is essential. Delivery delays, print quality issues, or other challenges can impact customer satisfaction and trust in the PoD business.
  11. Economic Factors: Economic uncertainties and fluctuations in exchange rates affect the overall cost of doing business, including the cost of raw materials and imported goods.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this awesome content, it is very informative. However i would love to inquire, which is advisable creating your own ecommerce store or creating a store on popular market place like jumia etsy, etc, which is better?
    2. Which online marketplace account can be created to part with these POD companies in Nigeria? Because i have tried creating an account on etsy but there was no success.
    I await your response

    1. Creating your own ecommerce store is good, selling on online market places like jumia, konga, jiji is also great. But having both is better.

      As for marketplace Etsy and some other foreign marketplaces are very selective in countries they allow on their platform, and Nigeria is likely among their blacklist

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